Geometric Nails

 Hello Everyone!

So this will be the very last beauty tutorial blogpost of 2015! I used to do nail art tutorials on YouTube but I've taken those down because I could not continue dong nail art because of SLMA rehersals, so I constantly had to take my nail polish off. But since New Year's coming, I thought I'd so something nice to my nails to welcome 2016! Of course, I thought I'd share it with you since it's something a little more 'complicated' than what I will always do nowadays - which is just a plain coat of my chosen nail colour. 


 Did a simple geometric-esq sort of design! 

I think this is relatively simple, but it does look pretty nice in my opinion. It does take a bit of patience because of the thin lines. You can snip away at a brush to get a thin one, but I decided to use a little stick/massive toothpick for this design. 

I must say I am proud of myself for doing up the right hand pretty alright. The lines arent as neat and it will look a million times better if you used tape. I personally don't use nail tape just because I don't like the feeling of having tape on my nails while waiting for the polish to dry, so I just decided to do everything free-hand.


 Products Used:
- Gel Effect polish in Green park Mews by Nails Inc
- Liquid Leather by China Glaze
- Pineapple by Sephora



I started with roughly painting on some blobs onto my nails. You can do this with any colour you like, or even leave this out all together. I decided not to do a base colour as well, but you can always have a base colour before doing this step of course. 

You should have a rough idea of what you would want your deisgns to look like before you do this. This look is pretty versatile so you can really do whatever you like and mistakes are really easy to fix as well.



 When you do the black lines, you may not want to drag your toothpick across, it will create a weird indenttion intothe lines which you do not want. What I did was kinda of tap along the lines that I wanted to create and fill them up by going over the lines over and over again. It does take a while, but it's worth it. 



I found that this step is a lot easier with polish that wasn't too thick. It's a lot easier to control the thickness of the lines as well. 


 Just before I put on the topcoat to seal it all off, I put a little bit of glitter here and there. I either outlined, or overlayed the deisgns with the glitter, just to give it a little bit of sparkle. 

I'm pretty happy with hose these turned out and I hope yo uguys give this a go! Just remember you may want to set aside an hour just incase you need more thinking time and drying time. I like to wait for my various layers to dry before I continue with the next step so that I won't get any bleeding polish and whatnot. 

I hope you guys have had a great 2015, I know I had a really eventful year! I'll see you in my next blogpost in 2016! 

