Chong Qing Day 4: Black and Golden Party

Hello everyone!

It's day 4!! Can't believe my time here in Chong Qing is slowly coming to an end, the day started after breakfast! Which obviously is what gets me out of bed for the most part. I then got ready for the main event of the day which was the Black and Golden Party!

My dress for the night!

Fun Fact: this was my prom dress from when I was 16. I know it's crazy to wear your prom dress from 7 years back but hey, on the positive side: I still fit and it suits the theme. I haven't got the chance to wear this dress since prom night so I'm pretty darn happy that I got to use it for the party!

Also, I know my necklace isn't black and gold, but I didn't want to go with a bare neck!

Pretty deco at the IF Lounge!

Party party party!

I know it isn't much, it was mostly drinks and socialising and networking all happening at once! 

Got a little video snippet done with RNG magazine!

Needless to say Walter and I had our selfie game on full throttle HAHA

Some dancing went on~

I didn't really take a photo of the little bites they had given us at the party solely because they were all more or less gone everytime I went back to the line, so I decided not to snap photos of half empty plates. 

I know it's short but it was quite a night, tomorrow may get a little crazy and day 5's blogpost may come after the new year! Also because my data is about to go bust and I've problems with the hotel wifi. I hope you guys enjoy this short little blogpost, take it as a mini update of my trip here! I'll see you guys in my next one! 

