Daily Breakkie Bowl

Hey everyone! 

If you've been following me on instagram, you would realise that I post quite a bit of my breakfast every few days and they are always smoothie bowls. Some of you have been asking me personally about herbalife, and how I got to know about it, I got to know about it through a friend who referred me to Kenvin (he's single, so go get him ladies!), who started me on Herbalife! You can read more about herbalife on their website

So since I've started Herbalife, I've been on daily smoothie bowls so that I won't get bored of drinking the same thing all the time. QUite a few people have asked me about what I put in the smoothie bows so I decided to document the one I did this morning and share it with you guys! 

Smoothies are popular at home so we have a whole compartment for frozen fruit! 

Mind you, it does vary everyday, but my staple ingredients are more or less the same, I just use different fruits to give a different flavours and different toppings depending if I want something more filling or not for the day! For the main ingredients, I usually go for 200ml of almond milk, 200ml of water and 2 scoops of the Herbalife F1. That's usually the basics of it. I then fill the rest of the space left in my blender with all the fruits I want! 

 Beetroot. Banana. Strawberry. Mango. 

So these were my fruit/vege of choice today! There was a point in time where I did get kale and spinach into my smoothies but for some reason my parents stopped going to the place where we got our kale from so I haven't had a green smoothie for quite a long time! My go-to vege is always the beetroot! I know some people don't like it at all but I love beetroot! Plus, it makes my smoothie super pretty!

 Isn't that colour gorgeous?! 

Chia Seeds. Cranberries.

I do like dried cranberries for baking but eating them jsut like that can be too sweet. I did try it in my smoothie bowl once, and it was not the best idea. But I found fresh cranberries the other day and that's always a good thing! I know some people aren't too appreciative of how sour or slightly bitter a fresh cranberry is, but it is one of my favourites! 

Also, fig season is over so there won't be any fresh figs in my smoothie bowl for quite a while. I do love a dried fig every now and then when I bake though! 

 And there we go! 

So I hope you try this out, and if you're looking for a way to get healthy but don't know where to start, you can drop Kenvin a PM to find out more or check out the Herbalife website yourself, but he won't bite! Also, if you're one of those people who love going to talks, you can also drop by Wellnessxperts at Kembangan this Wednesday! They're having a talk about healthy breakfasts so that could be fun too! 

Do bring your friends and loved ones along because getting healthy is always a lot easier when you aren't alone! 

I hope you guys start making a change in your own life so you can wake up feeling excited about breakfast and eating pretty food every single morning! It may seem like a chore but eventually, when this becomes a daily routine, it will eventually become second nature and you'll find yourself feeling the difference! 

Have a great week ahead everyone! Till my next blogpost! 

