Coolsculpt by EHA Clinic Part 1
Hello everyone!
I know it's been quite a while since I've actually posted something up here. This week's post may be a little uh... 'graphic'? I'm not sure if you'd want to consider it 'graphic' but I'm gonna show you guys what went down during my time spent at EHA Clinic. I think most of you know that I've got problems with my legs, especially my thighs, even when I work out, my thighs are the last to lose, but they are also the first to bulge when I gain weight.
This has been a problem for me since I was young and I've always hated having thunder thighs, let alone jelly thunder thighs. I decided to get some help from EHA clinic and went for their Coolsculpt treatment.
Before you guys ask, no there won't be before and after photos in this post, solely because the effect does take a few months to actually show up. I definitely see a small difference myself when I wear clothes, but on camera, it's not very obvious, so perhaps it makes no sense to put photos up. It's currently been about 3ish weeks since I did my treatment so the changes aren't shockingly obvious, also cuz I only went for one round. However, I can always talk you guys through the process!
So I actually just lie there for a good 1 1/2 hr and let the machine do its work.
The part I chose to work on was the outer thigh, which doctor Elias Tam marked out!
Cooling gel~

I'm ready!! I was pretty nervous at this point, I didn't know what to expect.
Also Doctor Tam was explaining how important it is to still have a good diet.
As much as the Coolsculpt can freeze your fat cells and damage them just enough for the body to expel them, it is important to keep up the exercise and have healthier eating choices as those will really affect your body. I'm trying to eat healthy (obviously at times I fail miserably) because I find that I feel a lot better when I eat healthy food, so a good diet does more than give you a good body.
Also, if you're wondering who's been snapping these photos, my friends from Storybox Collective came along with me.
If you're concerned about pain, let me tell you it doesn't hurt. You will feel a few pokes here and there but it's not unbearable, I'd describe it as intense 'pins and needles'. I'd like to think I've got a moderate tolerance to pain so I suppose it really is alright!
Also, they kept me entertained for a good while too.
I should mention that you aren't supposed to move during the treatment. I didn't exactly get the memo and I had been wiggling here and there as I was talking to G, and I ended up stopping the machine halfway through its course. I was pretty embarrassed when the nurse came in and immediately she said 'did you move?' and all I could reply was 'I... wiggled..?'.
So if you guys decide to try this, DO NOT MOVE.
And it's done!!
I know I look super happy but I couldn't feel my leg.
I thought I should also mention that some of the side effects include bruising and a bit of soreness. I personally didn't have those problems, but I did have the 'pins and needles' for a good few minutes after it was over, but the nurses massaged the area out to let the blood circulate. Also, I kept poking at the redness because it was a little numb for the rest of the day.
Overall, it was a very easy procedure, but if you would have to invest a good amount of time. The consultations I had prior to the treatment were also pretty thorough, they understood my concerns and were very transparent about what coolsculpt can or cannot do - if you're wondering, it doesn't do much for cellulite. I appreciated that they checked on me occassionally and that they do follow up with you the next day via text.
If you guys are interested in getting this treatment done yourself, here's how you can contact EHA Clinic!
Address: 1 Scotts Road #15-01 Shaw Centre S(228208)
Phone: +65 6235 3325
I'm supposed to see them for another consultation (they usually have one after the first month of treatment, and then three months after) but I will be in Japan by Sunday, so perhaps I'll only get to see them when I'm back! I will be posting an update for you guys, hence the 'Part 1' in the title! With that, I end the blogpost here, I'll see you in my next one!
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