Kinohimitsu Marine Collagen Review | Sponsored
Hey everyone!
Firstly, I would like to thank the team at Kinohimitsu for contacting me and for sending me this product to try. I was confused by the ingredients at first because honestly, how nice could green caviar taste, right?

Well, now I have!
I've never had any collagen products before, so I was pretty excited to give this a go. I know that Kinohimitsu had this product called superfood which was like a multigrain powder that can be incorporated into your baking (I used to put them in my waffles) or in smoothies, which I also did. It's not a very strong tasting product which is great when you combine it with other things!
But enough about that, let's move on to the collagen drink~

Turns out, the product smells really nice and it tastes pretty good! I was very very surprised!
So a little more about the product, it contains 5000mg of collagen in every scoop and this promotes youthful looking skin and the ingredients also promote skin brightening (one of my personal skin goals)! It also helps with strengthening the hair roots to prevent hair fall and breakage, which is fantastic for me since I love to colour my hair nowadays! It also strengthens nails, do for those of you who have brittle nails, this is gonna be a good one for you!
One of my concerns was that it would cause me to bloat, but thankfully this doesn't, and there's only 22kcal per serving so it's pretty light! Also, it's cholesterol free, preservative free and fat free, so why not, right? Speaking of the body, it helps to support joint and bone health which is also great for me since I dance and run quite a bit, so it can be taxing on my joints, particularly my knees.
One of my concerns was that it would cause me to bloat, but thankfully this doesn't, and there's only 22kcal per serving so it's pretty light! Also, it's cholesterol free, preservative free and fat free, so why not, right? Speaking of the body, it helps to support joint and bone health which is also great for me since I dance and run quite a bit, so it can be taxing on my joints, particularly my knees.

Peeking into the packet~
You're supposed to drink this once a day, in the morning before breakfast or in the night before you sleep. Just a scoop if it and some water, and you're good to go! This entire packet is meant to last you for over a month, so I've been having this for a few weeks now! I'd say I've about 2-3 days worth left in my packet.

One scoop!
I personally like to drink this in the morning because I find the taste pretty refreshing and its a nice start to the morning! I like to pump in just a bit of hot water just to dissolve everything before adding in room temperature water, and then some ice cubes!

I personally preferred drinking it cold.
Honestly, I'm not sure how effective this was for my skin, but it could be because I'm in my early 20s, so skin problems won't be that evident as of yet. Perhaps this product would be better for people in their early 30s when the skin does start to deteriorate. I could be wrong, but that's my two cents.
With that being said, I hope you guys enjoyed this super quick review! I'd say I'd get this again but maybe not so soon since I think I'm not in absolute dire need to replenish my collagen levels? Then again, it's always good to start young and it could be that there have been changes to my skin but they aren't visible to the naked eye.
To find out more about this product and the other ranges, you can visit Kinohimistu via the their facebook page!
To find out more about this product and the other ranges, you can visit Kinohimistu via the their facebook page!
So, 'till my next blogpost! Have a great week! ^^
you shouldn't put hot water at all! it destroy collagen
ReplyDeletePrefer marine collagen any day. The product is sickly sweet and doesn't dissolve well. How did you overcome these challenges
DeleteThanks for sharing review on this products. It helps me making some reviews about the best products to use for skin care.This is a nice shopping in Singapore day, you are looking simply gorgeous and beautiful.
Bovine collagen is a naturally occurring protein that is found in the skin, bones, and muscles of cows. This collagen is so similar to human collagen that many people in the beauty industry have embraced its use as a cost-effective way to treat wrinkles and fine lines. collagen