Little Ms & Mr Tampines 2018 Talent Round
Hello Everyone!
I've been blogging about pageants for youth/adults all this time, and I'm super happy to be able to cover the very first Little Miss and Mr Tampines Pageant! This is a partnership between Our Tampines Hub and ERM Singapore. As the titles are, I'm assuming it's obvious that the pageant is open only to children residing in Tampines. I thought this pageant was unique because not only will the winners be the face of Our Tampines Hub, but they will also get a chance to compete in ERM's Little Miss Cinderella and Little Manhunt!
This blogpost will be dedicated to introducing the contestants, I did go for the audition round but I wasn't able to blog or vlog for that because of some technical difficulties that I faced, which is a shame because it was so fun seeing the children performing and for some, stepping out of their comfort zone, and for others, showcasing the passion that they have discovered at a very young age.
There are 4 Categories in this pageant, two age groups for the girls and two for the boys:
- Little Miss Tampines (7-12 years old)
- Miniature Tampines (4-6 years old)
- Little Mister Tampines (7-12 years old)
- Junior Tampines (4-6 years old)
I know I've been hashtagging #LittleJuniorTampines on my instastories, and I'm aware I made the mistake now, I'm so sorry! The contestants did not go in order of their contestant numbers, but for the sake of the blogpost, I will be rearranging everyone according to the contestant numbers. There were a small few that weren't around for the talent round, so bear with me if you don't see every single one of our 40 finalists!
So without futher ado, let me introduce you to the girls in the Little Miss Tampines catergory!
Contestant No. 1: Raina Ogut
Contestant No. 2: Shivani Saxena
Contestant No. 3: Megan Khoo Shiya
Contestant No. 7: Tay Ching Yan
I was telling my mum that I thought Ching Yan looked like a child version of her. Haha! Just look at that pretty face, I would definitely love to see what she'll look like in her teens!
Contestant No. 9: Cadence Sng Wei Mei
Contestant No. 10: Emily Yuliani Fichera
Contestant No: 11: Wang Leya Felicia
Contestant No. 12: He Yuhan
Contestant No. 13: Sara Erina En Qi Bte Muhammad Shariff
Special shoutout to this little lady, who kept on singing and finished her song though she was so nervous and she knew she had a hiccup midway through.
Contestant No. 14: Deon Woo Le Xuan
I know that it is hard for some kids to step out of their comfort zones, especially when there are people watching you and actually judging you. It's only normal that some kids get stage fright or forget their words, freeze on stage while doing their introductions etc. But I hope that these kids can look back and realise that they managed to take that step out of their comfort zone, whether they wanted to or if it was mummy and daddy who wanted them to!
I also realised that a few of these girls like ballet, which is definitely fun for me. I had a soft spot for the contemporary item just because I am contemporary trained, but I'm not naming favourites guys, you know I won't name my faves till the end of the pageant ;)
I also realised some contestants chose to do the same item that they did for the auditions which was sort of disappointing. Then again, I suppose time is of essence because kids have school and homework and all that. But kudos to those who actually did a whole new item!
And now, moving on to the Miniature Tampines category!
Contestant No. 15: Thriti Khanna
We bumped into her and her dad in the lift before the pageant and I think it's safe to say, we just kept looking at her costume because it was so pretty!
Contestant No. 16: Taqiyah Binte Nurul Qamar
I wished I was able to capture a picture of it (the one I took was so blur), but she had her name on the back of her jacket which was the cutest thing ever!
Contestant No. 17 Misha Pandey
Contestant No. 18 Dhyati Karthik
Contestant No. 19: Yeo Xin Le Ginny
Contestant No. 21: Jasmine Chang Li Hong
Contestant No. 22: Jeryn Leong Kah Yee
Contestant No. 23: Tan Hwe Jia Audra
Contestant No. 25: Ding Ziqin
Contestant No. 26: Rajesh Kayal
Contestant No. 27: Sakshi Ramprakash
I need to say this because I wasn't able to do any blogging for the auditions, but she did a My Little Pony song during her auditions and oh my goodness I was so happy. It literally made my day and she has the cutest smile EVER!
I have to admit, I think there were a lot more eye-catching costumes in this category. I'd definitely say these (very) little ones brightened my day for sure. I didn't know who I would be seeing during the talent round so honestly, I was really happy to see some of my own early faves! Again, not telling you guys who they are until the finals, but if you did see my instastories during the auditions, you might have an inkling.

And we took a little break to escape the cold and take even more photos!!

Moving on to the boys, let's meet the boys from our Little Mister Tampines category!
Contestant No. 29: Putra Aaryan Bin Nizam
Contestant No. 30: Rameshkumar Srivikash
Contestant No. 31: Aaryan Gupta
I'll say this right now, he left his shades on the entire performance and only took it off after, I totally should have snapped a photo then because he has such beautiful eyes!!
Contestant No. 32: Ng Kang Sang
Contestant No. 33: Siddharth
Just to let you guys know, there were a lot less contestants in the boys category. I suppose that would be expected. I didn't get to see the boys in the auditions, which was such a shame. I thought this category had the most diverse acts in general! I did wish that I got to see them during the auditions so I'd have more impressions or had a general expectation like I did with the girls!
Last but not least, let's meet the boys from the Junior Tampines category!
Contestant No. 34: More Anirvan Abhijit
He had a whole background story about his performance, and I thought that was really interesting because it's always nice to learn more about other cultures, and that kind of knowledge coming from a kid is really inspiring!
Contestant No. 35: Umaiz Syaddad Abqari
Contestant No. 36: Mohamad Aniq Fadzuly Bin Mohamad Zulkamain
Contestant No. 37: Fong Yu Ze Elijah
Contestant No. 40: Mundhe Om Mahesh
We did have one little boy who didn't end up performing for us. Sad to say I was really looking forward to his performance because he was just so darn cute! But it's a shame we didn't get to see what he was going to do.
And that's all folks!
I hope you guys enjoyed this blogpost, I know I didn't comment much on their items, but there's just way too many of them! Have you found your favourite yet? If you have, you can hop on over to this link and vote for them for the People's Choice Awards!
I'm definitely very excited for the finals, which will be happening at the end of this month! I can't wait to see how this will differ from the usual pageants that I blog for and how the kids will fair. I think they all did a pretty good job and they should be very proud of themselves too! With that being said, I'll be ending the blogpost here! Thank you ERM Singapore for having me again, I'll see you guys in my next blogpost!
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