Korean Make-Up Haul
Hello everyone!
This week's blogpost is going to be another make up haul! I figured that I should do my make up and clothing hauls separately this time because I don't really have good lighting to show make up on camera just yet, and it would also shorten the haul video (coming out this Thursday on my channel!) which would therefore make it easier to watch. So, here's my make up haul!
Got quite a few things~
I haven't really used Korean make up in a very long time, and I've come to realise that Korean make up suits very fair skin tones, and it's a lot less orange compared to western make up. I like that it's a lot less orange toned (particularly the foundations and the contours) because I'm not a fan of looking like an orange. However, I'm relatively tan so I'm almost always the darkest colour in their range for face make up.
I did get a few things from a few brands, I got a few things from Clio, Etude House and Pony Effect. I know I said I wanted to get products that aren't available in Singapore and Etude House is readily available almost everywhere here in Singapore, but it was like a tiny bit cheaper (plus you get tax refund) so I thought I'd pick up a few things as well.
Let's start with Clio!
Kill Cover Foundation in Ginger
I promise, the packaging was a whole lot prettier when I purchased it. I'm not even sure how it got so badly damaged because it was in my make up bag which was cushioned in my check-in luggage. I was pretty sad that it shattered, but at least the product inside was intact.
Just a simple cushion!
This is my very first cushion foundation, not going to lie, I quite love it. It's lightweight and it gives pretty decent coverage. I might just chuck away y Urban Decay All-Nighter foundation because that's just so horribly orange and it really dries out my skin. This keeps my skin nice and comfortable all day, it does get a little oily in Singapore (it was perfect when I was in Korea) but other than that, I really like this! If I remember right, it was less than $40 so that's pretty decent! Plus, it comes with a refill, which is even better!!
Tension Lip Oil Tint in 02 (Pecan Nut)
I LOVEEE this lip colour on me. It's comfortable and it isn't too much. I think this is a limited edition colour, so I'm not sure how long are they going to release it for. It's a lovely burnt orange. I didn't think it'd look good on my lips but it turned out to be very pretty! I do love it for everyday wear!
The only thing is that it won't last very long (like after you eat and all that) and it honestly isn't the best smelling or 'tasting' lip product ever, so if you need a very appealing smell and taste in your lip products, you may not like this.
Lipnicure Glass in 01 Jealousy
This came free with my foundation, and I'm not that fond of it. I love the formula, it stays well and the pigment is amazing. It's soft and it doesn't dry out my skin. The issue is that the colour is so bright and neon that it makes me look a lot more tanned than I already am, which I am not a fan of, so I may blend this colour with others to make it work, it really is a good product, it just didn't suit my skintone. But hey, free stuff , right? Can't be picky!
Next, Etude House!
Silicone Sponge
So EVERYONE has been talking about the silicone sponge. I actually got this at Olive Young but I decided to group it with the Etude House products just because. I did try this once during my trip to blend out my contour and honestly, it's not doing so well.. It's not the easiest to control and you can't really guide your make up to where you want it. I'd say this is better for foundation where you do not need too much precision. Additionally, this is great for travel because it's easy to clean and it's less prone to bacterial build up as well.
Tint My Brows Brow Gel in Gray Brown
I think you guys know that I've been using this product for a while and it's been a huge life save for me. I thought I'd pick up another one while I was in Korea because the one back home was finishing up and since it was a little cheaper, I figured, why not? You can read more about my thoughts and experience with this product here. I've since found ways to make my brows look better when I use this product too so all you need is patience and practice!
Glass Tinting Lips in GR701
I thought this was a pretty cute product. You can actually chose the colour and the casing for your lipstick, so I chose this silver and and pink case which said Bitter Sweet. B and I got the same lip colour, which is GR701, it's initially blue in the packaging, but it sort of turns this light pink when you apply it on your skin. I'm not sure if it changes with every skin tone but it is evidently quite light in shade. I keep this in my bag just incase my lips look ridiculously pale for any reason. On a side note, it does taste kinda weird, but I can kinda look past it.
Play 101 Stick in 18
This literally is the darkest shade they had in their range. Thankfully, its the perfect contour shade for me so I absolutely love it. It's quite perfumed, but since it's just contour, it's not all that bad. The formula glides onto your skin pretty well and it's easy to blend, so I really love it. After searching for so long, I finally found my perfect contour stick and it's really affordable. I don't think I'd go for the other colours just because I won't use them, but this product's pretty darn good.
Last but not least, Pony Effect!
One of my sole purposes during the trip was to get my hands on some products from Pony Effect. B brought me to the outlet in Hongdae and I clearly went pretty crazy. I did wished that I waited to get to Pony Effect to get my cushion foundation but, I suppose I can always try it next time? Like seriously, that packaging just SPEAKS TO ME.
Travel Brush Set
This gem of a brush set came free with all the purchases and it's a pretty good set. It has all the basic brushes that you need so it's perfect to put into your bag or bring along for travelling. Also, the mesh pouch that it comes along with is pretty cute!
Favourite Fluid Lip Tint in Sheer Delight
I love this colour! I know it's very similar to the Tension Lip from Clio but this one is a little brighter. I'd say it's a peachy colour more than a burnt orange, so I can't wait to wear this!
Stay Put Eye Stick in Beam Me Up
I just hope that this doesn't dry out like my Marc Jacobs one did, it was such a waste because I could not apply it on my waterline when it started to dry out, eventually, I had to throw it out because it became relatively useless.

Unlimited Creme Shadow in Future Proof (Top/Left) and Beloved (Bottom/Right)
I'd say these were my favourite purchases from Pony Effect. I love the consistency and how these are so buildable and lightweight on my eyes. Future Proof is a rose gold with glitter while Beloved is more of a metallic pink with glitter. I've tried Beloved on my eyes prior to the haul and I absolutely love it. It's subtle and like I said, you can adjust the intensity of the colour on your eyes and it's just very easy to use! I'm not sure if I'd fancy the other colours, they didn't really attract me, so I just picked these two up.
This is the end of the make up haul! I hope you guys enjoyed looking through the new additions to my make up collection. I'm so thrilled with what I've bought (money well spent) and I could see myself using more Korean make up in future, but I probably won't restrict myself to just western make up or just korean make up.
Like I said earlier, do look out for the clothing 'try-on' haul video that will be coming out on my channel this week. I'm super excited because I did get quite a few things during my trip! I hope you guys have a great week ahead! Till my next blogpost!