Hello Everyone!
It's been quite the busy weekend for me, I realised that I did so much running about! Popped by Art Box on Saturday night, not the brightest idea because the crowd was crazy and I felt sick to my stomach. Also, the queues were not my cup of tea, and for goodness sake, the weather!! Honestly, I didn't really enjoy myself, despite the food being yummy and the company I had that day being so so lovely. Also popped by Singapore Dance Delight Vol. 7 yesterday, it was pretty fun, never really got to experience a dance event like that so I quite liked it, apart from the kiss/twerk/dab cams, it really made my hands sweat HAHA.
So this blogpost isn't going to be about all the other events, it's going to be about just one event that happened over the past three days. The Singapore Ink Show! If you haven't seen my post about the media launch last month, you can click over here. You can find more information about the event from that post and also from the #SGINKSHOW website: http://www.sginkshow.com
As most of my event blogposts, this will be full of photos, and will be relatively lengthy because I'm going to put all 3 days into one blogpost! I figured that would be better than releasing one post every night..
Day 1
I felt like an awkward potato on Day 1. It took me ages to get my 3 Day Pass and it was just a regular plastic band lol I could have just queued at the other lines where there were actually people behind the counter. I was lucky that the crowd wasn't that overwhelming so I didn't need to do much squeezing and all that which is always a good thing.
Massive photo wall!!!!
List of all the artists at the show!
Live Drawings!
You'll see more in the vlog coming out this week! ;)
I got really excited watching the live tattoo drawings. All 5 drawings were up for auction on day 3 and all proceeds get donated to the red cross, so it's for a really great cause! I do apologise for not being able to tell you who all the artists were though!
I should also mention that my camera lense had decided to commit suicide on me before the day was over so I had to leave the event earlier than expected to go hunt for a new replacement lense, which was unsuccessful, and I had to use my zoom lense on day 2 and part of day 3..
Day 2
Brought my mum along with me this time round because she was thinking about getting tattoos done, it was pretty much the perfect event to bring her to because there were so many people she could talk to and all that.
Charity Auctions!
People getting inked!
A photobooth?!
I really wanted to get a turn in the photo booth but the queue seemed to be there constantly so, I ended up taking a photo of the booth.
A much bigger crowd!
Will lift for beer.
I'm so sorry that day 2 looked a lot more underwhelming, trust me, it wasn't underwhelming! There were a lot more people there compared to friday, a lot of people getting inked, and mum did a lot of name card collecting as well.
I unfortunately missed the pole dancing, which really sucked cuz I was pretty excited to watch it!
Day 3
The final day of the Ink Show! The crowd was pretty decent as well which is great, because it meant that the event was more or less successful! I missed the pole dancing AGAIN because it started earlier than stated in the schedule.. bummer.
Miah got more ink done!!
Live Band Performance!
They were really good, you'll see it in the vlog ;)
For some reason, I can't find the name of the band that performed, I think they did perform on all three days but I managed to catch them on day 3! I'm glad I did for sure!
Super pretty shoes!!
Contestants for the competitions!
The art pieces from the Charity Auction!
Judging of the various entries for the competitions!
I didn't stay long enough to see the results for the competitions, but congratulations to all the winners. I realised a lot of them who won awards on day 1 had put their awards at their booths on day 2 and 3, It was really cool!
I do hope you guys enjoyed this blogpost, and I hope you guys will look forward to the vlog, more exciting things on there like the drawings and the live band! See you in my next blogpost!